
She has retaken with the "cie Toula Limnaios" several pieces; "tempus fugit", " die einen die anderen", "wut" and "minute papillion". She has also been part of five new productions; "momentum" , " volto umano", "meantime" "clair obscour" and "tell me a better story".
Clair Obscour 2021
Who hasn’t tried to catch their shadow while walking back then? who has not wondered about this strange apparition that constantly accompanies us, but also always slips away? from plato’s »allegory of the cave« to carl gustav jung’s »analytical psychology« to the dream world of every human being, the shadow veils and reveals the secrets of the world.
concept/choreography: toula limnaios
music: ralf r. ollertz



meantime 2020
in »meantime« the entire area of the halle is accessible: starting in the garden, across the large hall, to the foyer of our building.
»meantime« is a walking tour through danced miniatures in a parcours. the unique charisma of each dancer and their individual strength will be seen in six solos and a duet.
concept/choreography: toula limnaios

Volto umano 2018
›the human face‹
in »volto umano«, violence infiltrates the micro-society of the interpreters, oozes in and out of their bodies. the piece oscillates between the “little mis-deeds” in society, from which the merciless emerges. it embodies just how thin the blanket of civilization is when ethics and morals fall victim to barbarism.
concept/choreography: toula limnaios
music: ralf r. ollertz

momentum 2017
Composed like a chamber piece, »momentum« is a series of episodes instead of a single and coherent story. autonomous fragments representing the little, inconspicuous mysteries of daily life, which we choke on or draw our desires from.